
...to lessen our dependence on fossil fuels, nuclear power, or...

Yep, you’re absolutely right.

If they did something like:

Ah yes, we need to rely on trusted news sources. You know, the ones that propped Donald Trump up for months for the ratings and then accidentally got him elected.

A more homogenous culture with shared values? I find that more plausible than any system that we could try to duplicate here.

Now playing

They’re a Chinese company, out of Shenzhen. Probably the first successful Chinese electronics companies to become a reputable brand here in the States. All made possible because of the China-company-to-US-consumer model Amazon has created. Here’s an interesting video on the city, and Anker is mentioned specifically:

They’re a Chinese company, out of Shenzhen. Probably the first successful Chinese electronics companies to become a

I get the feeling most people here with strong opinions are in their twenties and have never owned a home.

So it would be much more likely that he would pass out if he were facing upward right, then the risk would be blood leaving the top of his body/brain?

I totally agree. Really a disappointing night. I stopped watching UFC a couple years ago, and UFC 200 was not engaging for me at all.

I’m certain El Nino is NOT Venezuela’s main problem.

As someone who knew NOTHING about the comic, I LOVED this movie. The whole premise was unlike anything I had ever heard of. I think that speaks to the greatness of the comic’s story that it could still be so mesmerizing even in a flawed movie.

Wow it’s amazing how much BETTER that looks!

Good catch!

Wow I didn’t notice the shot at nuclear power. That’s disappointing. I thought we were interested in facts? Nuclear is a must for any real effort to get beyond fossil fuels. It’s undeniable. Otherwise, great article.

Haha best comment of the year.

Thanks for doing the hard task of explaining rudimentary thermodynamics. Once, in engineering, someone asked me why we couldn’t just mount a wind turbine on our cars and harness all the “wind” that you feel when driving down the highway, and use that to power the vehicle. I tried to be polite, but was honestly so

I was curious so I looked it up: average price for electricity in Denmark is $0.33/kwh. Average in the US is $0.12/kwh. That’s a huge difference.