
Um, it’s highly unlikely it’s the Republican judge you would need to worry about.  Not a long history of Republican judges siding with criminals.  It’s more likely the social justice warrior judge you need to worry about.  They don’t want to offend the criminal.  Much better to prosecute the person who was the victim

“require all buses to be emission-free by 2040"

who ever could have suspected that this whole thing would end in acrimony??

As it turns out, millions of things happen every day without you being aware of them.

It’s sad that so many people can only see the problems with one party.

Maybe this is just me speaking for myself, but I think dating someone less than half your age is intrinsically creepy.

It’s like I said in another article: Nobody nowadays knows how to write a character unless they’re constantly in angst over something. 

There are a bunch of winners and a bunch of losers (sometimes the same people win some lose some). As a native NYer, I have many thoughts on this very complex situation. In transparency: I am on the side of no cap. Apologies on the long comment.

Err..:you accuse Uber of lying about the part time gig based concept...except the reason why drivers are virtually all full time drivers in NYC is because of NYC’s unique TLC licensing requirements. You have to have a livery plate from the TLC to drive for an Uber base and that means you have to purchase commercial

This is the best part. Just because taxi drivers are losing their jobs to better services, I’m supposed to feel bad? Let’s implement redundant and restrictive rules to save other dying jobs. 

Bail out all the dying industries. Coal mining, taxi driving, chimney sweeping, all of them.

I’d just like to point out that this is the entire dealership subplot of Fargo.

we should not be allowing people with purely political motivations to generate outrage for the purpose of destroying their opponents. That’s not how any of this should work.

What does the Jezebel crew has to say about all of this? Gawker in general is surprisingly fast to codemn, beyond any doubts, anyone opposed to the writer/blog ideology. And now they’re defending a screw up from someone they “like”, from the same “side”. Will they be as coherent and consistent when someone from the

I bet this is true because its not like the guy has ever lied about anything big before.

Kashmir - this is a great article.

I would way rather take a shitty overpriced cab or walk or bike rather than risk getting in a car with a stranger who has not been vetted or background checked in any way.

I have to laugh when anyone points out the former “regulated taxi services” as a noble industry that wasn’t completely corrupt and bordering in useless in most cities. I remember calling cabs in LA and they just simply not show up, or would be an hour past the time they said they’d get there. When you did get a ride,

This seems like a good policy, and I’ve heard of similar ones being created in other cities (though not sure of the details). When airbnb was relatively new, it was marketed as a way to make some side money renting out your spare room, or your house while you were out of town, or to stay in a local home while

Denver decided that people were basically running unlicensed and untaxed hotels by renting whole apartments. Now you are only allowed to list rooms in your primary residence. You are not allowed to rent properties or rooms in properties in which you don’t reside. Enforcement seems pretty good so far.