tiny epics

I agree to date the TV shows have not done much to bust out of the overall timeline set by the movies. But The Acolyte, assuming it makes it all the way, is going to change that by going back way before the prequel era.

I think there is an argument that Filoni is pretty much doing exactly what you described.

I love how it’s spread to broadcast.  “A CBS original series” -- you mean, a TV show?  Apparently NBC is doing this now too.

If the Snyder Cut wins I swear to God.


I expect that shipboard romance, Boaty McBoatface, to get a lot of votes.

Ana de Armas is in the trailer, but is she in the movie? No way I’m getting burned on that again.

something something multiverse, something something our Illuminati’s different.

Are we sure it's not Captain Picard?

Far out guess: Avatar 2

winning time was also the name of the reggie miller 30 for 30, confusingly.

IIRC it’s something Magic Johnson used to say (‘It’s winning time!’)

Calling a show on HBO “Showtime” may have been a little difficult.

Wait, only if they live in LA.

Being weirdly/highly controlling towards women is a big part of that cult leader persona he’s been leaning into more and more.

Shanghai Noon and (sure, why not?) Cars put him a ‘rogue-ish cad’ territory, with the ‘cad’ part deemphasized, for sure, but still...

I hope CGI Richard Attenborough shows up with CGI Harold Ramis and zap those feathery dinosaurs with some crossed streams.

It’s the new 30s, you know. (At least I can hope it is.)

For a second I thought it was Marillion drummer Ian Mosley.

I don’t get the cynicism about this. Lonely women freaking out is a loud and proud tradition in horror, and as annoying as the “actually it’s about trauma” thing can be it can still be compelling. A24 doesn’t direct these movies, after all--the directors do, and this one has a strong track record.