tiny epics

Can’t do the same with “Battle Beyond the Stars” though can he?

Drake briefly lifts a line from the Pet Shop Boys original”
Did you mean to write blatantly? 

The fact that ever entry ends with a sentence basically repeating the articles title, and that the descriptions of the films read like they have been copied and pasted from Wikipedia, make this whole ‘article?’ seem like a parody of a click bait journalism.

It’s a kids movie starring the most popular video game star in the world. Nintendo have had a massive hand in developing it.
Calm down.

Have you ever though of changing the name of this site to the the MCU Club?

Good point and very good user name. 

A racist, misogynistic, homophobic, environment raping cunt for sure.

The thing with the MCU being so interconnected was always going to be what happens if one of the films didn’t land as hard as the others, how do you drop the new characters you’ve introduced.
Because they just introduced the Eternals into the MCU without doing the usual bringing them in or at least hinting at their

It’s only matter of time before Marvel catches up with the rest of the world and forgets that they ever even made the Eternals.

As a public service could you offer some advice for how to be a productive member of society after you watch them?

If these blockbuster movies are only getting nominations because there are now 10 slots and there are only 10 slots so they throws some nominations at blockbuster movies, what’s the point?
Is the thinking that people who don’t watch the Oscars are going say “I love Wakanda Forever so I’m going to sit through 3 hours of

No the prequal would be called Mrs Doubtspark.
As The Boss told us “Can’t start a fire without a spark.”

Even though it was at the start of the year Gary Oldman anti motivational speech on Slow Horses has stayed with me.

Sounds a lot like the book “All my friends are Superheroes”

This list is a real testament to the fact horror is a genre that really needs to be seen with an audience in cinemas.
I watched X and Barbarian at home alone and though X was a pale shadow of the films it was riffing on. Barbarian works for the first half and then it just played like a Split like unofficial stealth seq

AV Club has been reporting on and bashing Wright pretty much constantly since her initial comments. So maybe loosen your grip on the pearls guys. 

Prince throwing his guitar over his shoulder as he exits is such a magnificent physical full stop/ fuck you to the whole performance it should get him two places in the Hall. 

Your forgetting Academy Awards mandate 227/5.4
“Any actor whos performance is based upon a real person, and wears prosthetic make up that required a length of time to apply that will be commented upon by chat show hosts across the land. Shall automatically receive a nomination.”
So Hanks is in.  

Sometimes with series or sequels, it can become weird, stratified, fossilized from the previous movies. The fun thing to me is genuinely creating something fresh and new.”
I wish he’s cited some examples.

What’s interesting is that it’s not just reporting on a chapter from Matthew Perry autobiography.