It's crazy how many words you used to say absolutely nothing lol
It's crazy how many words you used to say absolutely nothing lol
“It’s not about Pauline Kael! My movie features a female film critic in the 1970s named Pauline Hale! See? Totally different!”
I still miss Happy!
Pretty much every movie suffers from the “where the hell is everybody else?” effect after The Avengers, though. The movies don’t get the same luxury of ‘comic-book logic’ by explaining that “Everyone else is busy with their own stuff, so that’s why it’s up to you and you alone, Squirrel-Girl, to stop Galactus!”
although judging by the end credits, which mention “principle photography,” it still wasn’t enough to hire a proofreader.
Yeah, I bring up this film a lot as one I’ll never watch again no matter what the order.
Funny as that was my exact first mental image as well while watching Barbarian. Couldn’t disagree more about X, though, as saw it at home and loved it (though I liked Pearl more, and didn’t love X until after seeing Pearl).
I watched both of those at home too and had a great time.
APPARENTLY Prince was pissed about Rolling Stone recently ranking him too low on a ‘Greatest Guitarists’ list, which makes it the ultimate mic drop
Let us now genuflect and bow our heads as we await the response of Queen Taylor the Swift...
Had you picked ANYTHING else for #1 we would have had to burn the place down.
People really need to stop saying stuff like “thousands, if not millions”, it just reveals you can’t count or you don’t know what you’re talking about.
He said nothing disparaging about the Jewish people. He simply said what the vast majority of Americans already know but are afraid to say out loud: You’re allowed to make observations about every demographic in this country, except one. Pointing out a demographic coincidence that there is a disproportionate…
Hopefully it is good, but I don’t really see the point. It did everything it needed to already.
I miss when this site would possible reconsider calling anyone involved in a domestic abuse case a ‘sore winner’. It doesn’t matter who’s in the right, the snark just seems...too flippant and casual. If Depp is in the right, this is cruel. If Depp is in the wrong ‘sore winner’ still manages to trivialize what Amber…
Throwing around “LOST” and not bothering to mention “The Leftovers” or “Watchmen” is rich.
The one thing they’re getting right at this point.
I’m not into the idea. I like the idea of it just being different interpretations. It raises the stakes when the continuity isn’t linear cuz the film can go anywhere.