tiny epics

Have you seen comics? X-Man is my favorite.

So much to unpack, I love the Sinner but this one is a tough watch because having met a few of these types of guys in college I can tell that most of them are complete frauds. They acted like this mostly to impress women and then when they graduated they either went to law school or lived off their parents and became

Have you ever seen Saxondale? I have been amused by some of Coogan’s characters and shows, but a lot of them can be exhausting. I really enjoyed Saxondale, though, it felt different from most of his other characters. Tommy Saxondale has an ego and an anger problem, but he’s a middle-aged exterminator whose glory days

She can do absolutely no wrong and I love her with all my soul.... I know that’s not incredibly insightful but what can ya do?

Just finally read the Vision series from a couple years ago where he builds a family last week.

I’m really curious what the unsubscription rate was after Mando wrapped up. They probably saw a pretty sharp drop.

To be fair, there is more original content on Disney Plus than just Mandalorian. The Imagineering series is pretty great if you are a Disney theme park fan.

Disney should had a lot more original programming ready to go at launch. And I agree Netflix shows aren’t all bad but especially any of their documentaries and they at least have a lot of variety from other countries. So it’s gonna be another year or two before we get Obi wan and that  Wandavision show ?

The new Clone Wars cartoon is about to drop.

people watch that garbage?

It’s unclear at this point who the third stranger would be, but we’d say there’s probably a 50/50 shot it’s Chevy Chase.

Great Job, Internet! Fin.

Please hire Julian Barratt and make The Great Boosh Baking Show

Region locking is bullshit, but is there any easy way for writers to tell if YouTube videos are region locked tho? I find official Twitter accounts to be the most reliable source of internationally accessible trailers, or failing that I just use Opera’s inbuilt VPN.

Look, if you’re going to be reasonable I’m going to have to ask you to leave the Internet.

Gloop World

My assumption was that more than one ex-Imps knew about Baby Yoda, and there were multiple bounties put out with different instructions.

Werner Herzog says they want it alive but would accept proof of death. My assumption is they want it for its powers, but secondarily do not want it to fall into the hands of an enemy. And I think the reason everyone assumes it is for some sort of menagerie or as a pet is because few understand its potential powers. 

It’s about a bunch of clean-clothed people fixing up a bus in a garage.

Where's our Towlie movie eh?