tiny epics

Always Sunny is basically No Exit repeated ad infinitum anyway, so it makes complete sense.

The Always Sunny crew seem like a successful version of Michael’s first neighborhood.

hulu's in japan

Marvel beat them to it...

That might have been the more advisable path to take.

A television series about a pair of resentful baby boomers literally slaughtering millennials? Chris Morris could probably make something insightful from that premise. Howard Gordon, though? The writer of conservative torture porn like “24" and “Homeland”? I doubt it.

Well I think it was my favorite episode of the show so far. There is such an absence of tenderness in this show that, as short as that moment between Shiv and Kendall was, at the end, I felt sort of a relief. Jeremy Strong was great in that scene. Also, there’s something in the way he plays Kendall, it always seems

I’m going to take a wild fucking guess and say he’s playing a completely new character.

I’m looking forward to finding out which quote from this upcoming film will be appropriated by a new generation of right-wing assholes to indicate their awareness of how the world, like, really works, maaaan.

“Brexit—the nativist and isolationist movement of which Johnson was chief architect”

He really wasn’t. He took a long time to come out on either side, writing an op ed in favour of both leave and remain and waited to see which way the tide was turning before deciding which to publish. The true trash bag behind Vote

It’s almost like Simon Cowell is a very talented performer doing what the scene calls for. Not a very nice man but hedoes a good job of selling reactions to acts.

Now playing

I have no clue why they used the shot at 1:50 which shows that the chair on stage right has a larger back which contains the mechanism required for the trick. Stage left = indented back, Stage right = extended back.

(Possibly) unintended viral publicity is still viral publicity. Samuel L. knows what’s up, and you can bet he’s got a piece of the gross.

Good things happening to a good person!

I mean.... I don’t hard disagree but I also think this kind of oversimplified dismissal of professional film criticism is what has lead, in part, to really dumb film and really dumb filmgoers. Maaaaaybe the people who make their living by critiquing film have worthwhile opinions.

Where did Springsteen touch you? 

“Young man yells at cloud” 

It never ceases to amaze me when the comments here just accept a film’s review blindly. Like, no shit the guy who didn’t like it three weeks ago still doesn’t like it. Maybe I’ll agree, maybe I won’t, but I’ll still watch this with an open mind.

I don’t understand the hate for “Shut up and Dance” and the meh-ness for “White Bear.” To me, these are the best because they ask you to spend an entire episode sympathizing for these people who are going through something grueling. They’re being tortured but an unseen force while you get more and more invested in

That’s not one of his tattoos so it’s hopeless!