
C’mon, he’s gotta be a Tea Bagger.

Well he is a Tea-bagger.

With 9% of the North Carolina poll, there isn’t much room for Deez Nuts to drop, but in the cooler, northern states we may see his position start to rise.

So the takeaway from this is that Lindsay Graham is poling below Deez Nuts?

No doubt- that joke is nearly twice as old as the kid who instigated it.

To the oceans, white with.. “foam”

This is the first thing I see when I open the internet today. Who knew a 15 year old from Iowa could give me such joy on my birthday? I feel like Jared Fogle.

They say that Deez Nuts is an Independent, but in my experience he has always leaned more to the left.

“You like Dragons, yes? Good, because I am going to be draggin’ my balls all over this country’s chin in the White House.”

“Oh for fuck’s sake! Stop trying to make your boring ass babies cool with my last name.”

Nooooooooo, I am devastated right now. Maddie and Bobby are enemies? Whose side do I choose?

It’s amazing how many trolls online will say, “where’s the proof that this happened?” Here is your proof. No more anonymity, all guts. I applaud them.

Cocaine? No.

I don't know much abt country music, but I know the CMAs are going to be awkward next year.

The writers of Nashville don’t need to do a lot of research for next season’s plots.

Keep in mind that these damages are for all emotional suffering caused by the baker. That’s not just from refusing them service. It’s also for publishing the couple’s names and home address on the Internet and encouraging people to harass them.

Here in Columbus, Bexley (a city within the city) just had a videographer case like this. Bexley did not actually have any anti discrimination laws that would cover something like this. So they made some. There’s a fine now and, I’m assuming to act as a deterrent so people don’t just think “ok I’ll just pay the fine

The decision is the victory, the money is just the icing on the …oh, nevermind.