Also, I’m just picturing some kind of mom behind the camera like “Get together. Look like you like each other! Smile, boys!!!”
Also, I’m just picturing some kind of mom behind the camera like “Get together. Look like you like each other! Smile, boys!!!”
Another unforced error was when he endorsed an anti-choice candidate for mayor of Omaha, Nebraska. There was no reason for him to get involved in that race, but he went out of his way to show that he’s cool with politicians who would vote against abortion rights.
ha! I love your scenario and i do hope the Queen does this.
I’ve read in many places that the Queen actually enjoys seeing herself depicted in movies and on TV, but how would anyone know this? Aside from Philip, maybe. I can’t imagine her wandering through the stables with a groom and saying casually to them, “I don’t suppose you saw Helen Mirren playing me in ‘The Queen,’…
I sometimes wonder about how surreal it must feel to have your family shit dramatized. Every family has shit but to see it on a TV screen and know millions of others are seeing it too would mess my shit up.
right, will always be deeply distrustful of that family but this is good 👍
Ya know, I didn’t support Pritzker in the Democratic Primary because he was a billionaire who never held office. I voted for Daniel Biss. Now there’s still lots to be seen still with how Pritzker performs but damn he's been on a clip fulfilling campaign promises. I don't know if a Governor Biss could have done the…
My state is finally getting shit right! He also jusy signed 3 different bills to protect immigrants. He signed the most progressive recreational pot legalization (automatically expunge pot convictions if it is under a pretty large amount, you apply to have it expunged if it is over that amount and communities…
on top of it pot and gambling is legal and abortions too welcome to Illinois
I didn’t want him to know where I lived so I stopped a block away and said, “Look, romcoms lied to you. I don’t like you. I think you’re a rude jerk who won’t leave me alone. I’m doing my best not to give you the impression I like you because I don’t. Please go home now.” The whole time he never took me seriously and…
I’m a gay man but I have male and female friends. One thing I’ve noticed in talking with my guy friends about women is that, in general, men do not respect women.
When I was single, I remember talking politics with some guy I’d met at a party. He tried to call me out for something, and I sternly nailed him back with facts and data. I sincerely thought he was a jerk because of the way he smugly raised his objections to my argument and rolled his eyes. I walked away.
Who the fuck does this???
“Should I send this to her?”
Gee whiz. I’m not particularly good at tying knots, so I’d need at least 10" of dick to work with - and I simply haven’t got that much to work with.
I hear you! I swore I would stay offline all day buuuuuuuut I’ve been signing in and out of Twitter all day. Can’t wait for this day to be over!
I’mma need a strong fucking drink tonight.
All you people in states waiting in line to vote: if you manage to flip anything, please do yourselves a favor and get vote by mail implemented. I’m in Oregon, and any of us in the US states where vote by mail is how we vote can testify: this is a far superior system.