Not today Satan. Not today.
Not today Satan. Not today.
Can Thanks Oprah be the new Thanks Obama plz?
Lest we forget, she also wrought Jenny McCarthy.
"Dr" Phil is an asshole for filming and airing this. He could have helped him privately.
Nah, don't think I will, thanks.
Thanks, Oprah, for inflicting Dr. Phil on our national culture.
I don't think there's anything you can affirmatively do to make an older kid genuinely care about school performance. I'd just lay on the praise when she puts in even a modicum of effort, and gently express disappointment when she doesn't but then let it go. I don't think the stick will work in this situation, not…
It's OK if she screws up a little now. In fact, it's good. I actually deliberately let my now 15 yo son kind of flounder in middle school because I wanted him to know that he COULD fail, before it actually mattered (high school). He is also gifted, but tends to the lazy. I think he got a B, freaked out, and it never …
I have a son with similar behaviors, and what I've concluded is that it comes down to what is important to the child. It took forever to find the one or two things that were important to him that we could tweak to get him to pay attention to other things—and it is soooo a work in progress. And by took forever, I…
YES! My dad wasn't really a spanker (although he would in extreme circumstances) but what he lacked there, he made up for with sheer punishment ingenuity. He did everything from take doors off hinges, to make us do gardening work and help with projects around the house instead of hanging with friends in the summer.
And when I say "shake the shit" I grab his shoulders and just give him a good stern look and a few shakes that say "mommy is trying her very best to keep it together...get. in. there. now." Usually works.
I feel like punishment options are nearly endless if you take into account physical labor. My parents had me doing my fair share of chores in the first place, and when I broke the rules I would have to pick up a chore they knew I hated or — even better — get resigned to some sort of Sisyphean errand. Examples: "Weed…
Everytime I hear stories like this it only furthers my belief that the rules for training young children how to behave properly are the same as training a dog.
There is no performance if there is no audience
If it makes you feel better, I am pregnant and fully plan on vaccinating my kid. Viva la sanity!
I have a suggestion. Along with banning children who are unvaccinated for anything other than a medical reason from public schools and child care facilities (private facilities can make their own determination about allowing unvaccinated children, which will likely influence the success of their business), insurance…
that just broke my brain... The comments are so incredibly special
Many Pro-Lifers like blowing up photos of aborted fetuses to display on roadside posters, so, y'know, "When in Rome..."