
I think it's telling that the first person starts rambling for five minutes and then goes "I don't actually have a question, but could you talk about what I just talked about?"

This honestly says more about that state of sports journalism in 2015 than a thousand Romenesko articles.

I think this is clearly an issue... in almost every presser he's at, his face is at least partially covered. Instead of giving him some room or thinking "hmm, these interviews might be extremely stressful for Marshawn. Maybe we should back off," the media just calls him a clown.

Considering he said he would be willing to do an interview about this charity work, he is being very serious.

May I make the following suggestion for the position?

Columnists seeking fodder for their next article: Pontificate on the NFL and its media members having no regard for those who are likely struggling to deal with Social Anxiety Disorder.

He should hire a spokesperson to sit and say shit to the reporters. That would make them more upset that they would have to go through someone to get to him. It would make for great articles and news reports!

I don't blame the guy one bit for his standoff with the media. Sports reporters are fucking morons.

JESUS just leave the man alone.

But it's part of his job. I cannot skip parts of my job.

Box scores and youtube highlights are enough to keep the Legend of Marshawn alive and well.

Funny, because the media and detractors are trying to spin this as Marshawn Lynch being too conceited to talk to the reporters, but this interview makes it seem like the exact opposite. But seriously, man's got a point:

"As a running back, it takes five offensive linemen, a tight end, a fullback and possibly two wide receivers, in order to make my job successful."

I just can't stop thinking about how stupid this is. He seems like a reasonable Dude and has explained why he doesn't like talking to the media. And yet here they are, thinking he owes them a damn thing. The truth is that the NFL has outgrown it's need for media. It's such a massive behemoth that games could be played

So true, Mr. Murphy. Without the athletes for you to interview and report on, they wouldn't have a job. Impeccable logic.

Jesus. What is it about getting press credentials that turns someone into a maniac?

Really???? Yeah, I don't deny that marketing and media coverage has played a large role in making the NFL the money-generating juggernaut that it currently is but…who the fuck follows post-game coverage and questions besides members of the media?

Marshawn Lynch's tired sphinx act exposes the hard truth that the vast majority of so-called sports journalists are neither sports nor journalists.

The true grandstanding assholes are the reporters and fans who want to call him one for having the gall of not providing the same canned answers as everyone. For showing people's true colors, he deserves a humanitarian award. And Skittles.

Keep on doing you, Marshawn, the media in general is an ass and the sports media is what comes out.