(rubs hands together) may i just be the first to say...
(rubs hands together) may i just be the first to say...
You can totally talk to her (from a socially acceptable distance), just ask how she’s doing, if she’s enjoying the weather (benign things, don’t ask where’s she’s going or what she’s up to). If you feel up to it tell the guy creeping on her to leave her alone, stop touching her, get the hell off the bus. If she was…
Oh yes, the male gaze is so fucking empowering.
Well, that’s what my prowler workout has been missing- not enough boob and booty grabbing. Silly me.
“I used to be a wolf. Now look at me. That’s what I get for playing genetic Russian roulette.”
“You do NOT DESERVE my fluffypanted adorability, you monster. UNHAND ME AT ONCE.”
If you’ve got to offer someone five million dollars to not divorce you you’re already divorced, dude. You just haven’t signed anything yet.
Ok I’m just going to be asshole who says it but why is Selena getting the Billboard Woman of the Year award? Not that I’m sure it’s a weighty award or anything but Selena, sorry not sorry, is a mediocre singer at best. Her singles do fine but they’re not huge hits, she’s not really an activist of any sort, she hasn’t…
Dude, a mom taking her kids out of the country, to be with their grandparents and other extended family, because that’s what’s best for them in this moment is not kidnapping. She may or may not have had their fathers permission. If she didn’t there is no reason to believe she is preventing their dad from seeing them.
Maybe men could shut the fuck up for ten seconds.
Let’s be honest here, I’m sure they were “inspired” by it.
Those boobs are fake so not much.
And the Triangle Shirtwaist Fire, responsible for starting the workers/labor movement:
I constantly tell my pets to STAHHHHHHP.
Have you seen the Cinema Sins episode of Titanic? I ask because “bewbs”.
I mean...lady, you had 6 kids yourself.
this is the best joke of the day.
remember when you just had to turn on the tv and tune to mtv to watch a music video? old farts like me remember...