Tin Whiskers

If the Republicans actually agree to pay for this idiotic wall, then they give up the right to claim they are the party of “fiscal responsibility” forever and ever.

My guess is that the show and the books will arrive at the same end point (Jon will save the world from the Others), but will take wildly divergent paths in getting there.

Game of Thrones has been building up to the destruction of The Wall for its entire run.

Guys, you already have a cosplay site on your network, it’s called Kotaku.

Obviously there is blame on both sides of those movies.

What do all those movies in the top 20 have in common? They all had meticulously crafted scripts (with the one exception being Spinal Tap).

I was going to make a joke here, but it spoils the ending of Martyrs, and of course Kinja doesn’t support spoiler tags.

My mother despises the Clintons and has for 25 years.

I’d go with Martyrs (the original, I assume the English language remake blows).

Kinja: we don’t really want you to read comments, that’s why we only show you 5 of them before you have to click on “Load More Comments” again. And again. And again ...

The hell are you talking about? Jerry is constantly touring and coming up with new material. You may not like it or find him funny, but Jerry has not been coasting.

If Kinja will stop the whinging about Kinja, I'm all for Kinja.

"As the days grow incrementally cooler…"

I watched The Haindmaiden this weekend and it was a ton of fun. Really enjoyed it. Thanks Amazon!

Bill O'Reilly went to the same high school as my dad: Chaminade, a private Catholic school on Long Island.

See, I thought he was also way over-the-top in Get Out. I think a more subtle performance would have made that part more effective.

Ed and Norma, the Log Lady's farewell, BadCoop's awful journey to find Phillip Jeffries, Dougie shoving a fork into a light socket … all amazing.

Thanks for translating what Steven said before he offed himself, I couldn't understand a word of it.

"Hey, guys, wasn't John Saxon in this movie?" -Tom Servo

All I ask is please, please, please don't turn into Kotaku.