I love RLM and Plinkett to death. They get a bad rep from commenters on here as mistakenly being thrown into the same league as CinemaSins or Youtube analysis when they’ve arguably been at this game much longer and are more open minded and honest about what they enjoy; and to Mike’s credit there is some even-handed ana…
Rushmore was really great, and the “O-R they?” line gets me every single time...but picking that above The Big Lebowski is some contrarian bullshit.
Glad it’s doing okay at least. I’ll try to catch it in a theater this week if I can -- that cast is worth seeing, IMO
Ugh. The Affair is already back? I mean, I’m going to watch it, because I hate myself, but I’m not going to enjoy it.
I think it’s really sad that Shawkat feels bad about not saying enough. She was the youngest person in the room, and shouldn’t be tasked with telling a bunch of grown men who are seasoned professionals to maybe let Walter be heard about something she experienced. That’s the kind of courtesy they should be capable of…
The Netflix episodes aren’t funny.
I want to play the shit out of that spools game. I’d put it in my backyard and use it for exercise every day.
Its probably gonna be Dom/Wendell/Laurel, cause Laurel’s storyline is looking like one where she’ll get blasted by the jury and be the zero vote third placer because she didn’t flip sooner. Angela will probably be an idol victim or something given her shitty edit.
This is the dullest season I can remember in years. People playing it safe week after week. Watch for next week’s finale when someone decides that now’s the time to make the big move, but then *SPOILER* they don’t and we’re stuck sleeping through a Dom/Wendell/Angela final 3.
Chelsea actually spoke a few times this episode so I figured she was out.
I’ll be honest - I thought the ladies’ were gonna pull off the plan... and then Chelsea had a confessional, at which point I knew she was done.
The person that’s been in control the most this season? Kellyn. She’s had advantages and been in the controlling alliance (usually dictating or helping dictate votes) most all the season. The only times we’ve been shown of the boys “bossing” her around was stuff like last week where Dom is trying calm down her own…
My feelings exactly. I watched season 1 once a year ago, and by the end of the “Previously On...” I was already confused. The rest of the episode did not help.
This and “Do you have a licence for your minkee” are go-tos for my family.
That is cool to hear. RIP John Heard
My first instinct was to say, “How the hell would Scott Thompson not immediately come across as gay, even if he were still in the closet?”
*Philip sees how tired Liz is*
I’d assume it’s partly the violence. It’s not bloodily gruesome, but very matter-of-fact. Dogs bite, after all. Also a Jeff Goldblum-voiced dog gossiping about who might be mating with whom on Trash Island is instant PG-13 minimum.
Man, well, uh, I fucking hated this movie. Oops. *Spoilers*