Tin Whiskers

Eh. Trump will just replace Bannon with another garbage person.

The president is not a white supremacist. He's a Trump Supremacist.

It's Fargo, if you ask me, and frankly nobody should.

I predict re-election in 2020.

You forgot Chris Cooper.

Probably David Faustino (this was so long ago that he was still considered a celebrity).

Many years ago I had a job where I would occasionally interact with famous people.

That is very true, because every time I masturbate, I angrily scream at the ceiling, "Is this what you want, God?! Is it? IS IT?!!"

I'm desperately hoping for a stock market crash. An economic catastrophe is the only thing that will wake Republicans from their stupor.

James Woods received an Oscar nomination for his eerily accurate depiction of a white supremacist.

I always thought of Pine as Generic Handsome Guy until his appearances on WHAS.

All good points, to be sure. I just get jealous when it's 92 degrees here in October and other parts of the country are starting to put on sweaters.

And has headlines that often start with "Um…" and "You guys…"

Signed up for Hulu's free trial period so I could watch Horace and Pete. It gave me nightmares (that's a compliment).

What sucks the most about living in California is there is no autumn here.

Long story short: I met Laura Dern and her mother Diane Ladd once and they were both amazingly charming and friendly in a situation where they didn't have to be.

The show has thrown so many balls up in the air, there is no way it's going to be able to catch them all (the whole Amanda Seyfried storyline as just one of dozens of examples). I'm prepared for this.

Man, I'm going to have to rewatch this thing. Multiple times.

Yeah, Adams was tweeting his provocations multiple times, less than 24 hours after a woman was violently murdered.

"I know a farmer who looks after the farm
With water clear, he cares for all his harvest
I know a fireman who looks after the fire
Can't you see he's fooled you all?"
-Genesis, Supper's Ready