Tin Whiskers

I'm just shocked that this article didn't find a way to weave in a non-sequitur slam on Trump. I thought that was an editorial mandate now.

I've been in the mood for a big lumbering RPG and I've already played most of them. So, I picked up Final Fantasy XV, going to dive in tonight.

What in the world happened to John Cusack?

Billy Zane is amazing in Demon Knight.

What makes Cameron's decision to make Titanic even more amazing is that he had already been through a water-based nightmare shoot for The Abyss. Then he decided, "let's do that again, but more!"

Does the "8" in the title refer to how many hours the movie lasts? Because it sure felt like it.

I've never thought of Josh Charles as a comedy guy, but he kills it in both Wet Hot series. Same with Chris Meloni.

I'm going to use the Kinja switch as an opportunity to retire this avatar/username.

Except for Aliens.

And every third "article" is an advertisement.

It means you can make all the comments you want, but nobody is ever going to see them.

There is a lucrative "90s video games were awesome!" audience as well.

Because people who have spent the last 3 decades bellowing into a microphone for hours every day all by themselves aren't withdrawn from society, not at all.

That's Looper.

Bi men can hide their true selves because "hey look, I date females, of course I'm a completely straight goat!"

I stopped my recent re-watch of The Office when I realized the show started tanking long before Carell left.

I Kickstarted a board game table over a year ago.

Have a splendiferous weekend, mister.

Another case of the award going to the "most acting", not the "best acting".

A great year for movies, though.