Tin Whiskers

Nelson has spent 25 years putting out politics-free, comedy entertainment in the form of TV shows, books, and Rifftrax. I've read three of his books and none of them came anywhere near politics.

Little Children was a great movie and an excellent adaptation. It even improved on the novel's weak ending.

"…there are women out there into bi guys…"

Didn't work out so well for the Dornish.

The book is fine for what it is.


It's interesting that even though they didn't figure out the "final five" thing until deep into the run, there are still "hints" in the early episodes as to who they might be (unintended by the creators, of course, but it's still fun to pick some of those details out and pretend they were put there on purpose).

Because The Simpsons has now sucked for far longer than it was great.

"All those years of celibacy, it can’t be good for people."

Until this Kinja switch actually happens, it's fake news.

Serious question: Is the AV Club essentially becoming the Breitbart of the left?

Last time I was at my parents house, I saw they had Bill O'Reilly's Civil War book on the coffee table. I said, "I'd be curious to read that to see how he blames the Civil War on Obama."

You're thinking of Northern California.

135 minutes is usually just the first act of one of those superhero movies.

Man, I have a thing for tall women.

I didn't plan it, but I ended up watching both A Cure For Wellness and Valerian.

Ramsay is a minor background character in the books, which is where he needed to stay. Making him a main character is the biggest mistake of the adaptation, I believe.

Um, you're obviously forgetting the "YOU NEED THE BAD POOSSAY" scene.

The first half hour of CBB500 was pure gold. Not sure why PFT then decided to do his least funny character, the episode was rolling until that screenplay-reading bit forced the show to come to a crashing halt.

"Hey Bran, where's Hodor?"
-nobody at Winterfell, apparently