Per Google translate in German, Kreisschießkommando von Buswerfern
Per Google translate in German, Kreisschießkommando von Buswerfern
There is more explanatory truth in this than most folks might actually imagine.
I’m fully enjoying this because I’ve had so little to enjoy that my joy barometer is broken and this is what happiness and hope feels like now.
Bro... Bro...
Counting down to “I never said I would release the transcript....”
Putin, DC hotel, w/ polonium-210
This stupid president doesn’t have a clue. Even if he stabbed Melania, in the Lincoln Bedroom, with the Resolute Desk.
I’ll bite: MBS, in the Turkish Consulate, with a bone saw.
Stupid “President” CLUE! I’ll go first!
The general rule seems to be, the whiter the bad guys the better the story. If the villains are middle eastern, they might as well be Uruk-hai with turbans.
why are you guys like this
I’m already seeing the comments, so let’s be clear about something here:
“Cancel Culture” did not kill Alec Holowka. We don’t yet have the full picture of how he died, but it sounds as if he died by suicide, and had been suffering from a host of psychological and personal difficulties prior to that final, tragic act.
Just remember: HR exists to protect the company from it’s employees. They are not your advocate, champion or friend.
Oh people on our side deserved far more than strong words, but the ones who deserved it are the leaders starting the wars and the people running the corporations profiting from them.
There are much, much better ways to phrase this. Saying it was an inevitable outcome given how the US has intervened in the middle east is a lot different than implying that the 3,000ish people who died on 9/11 “deserved it”. I wonder if he’d say that Imperial Japan “deserved” Hiroshima and Nagasaki.
We deserved something, but the death of 2500 civilians wasn’t it.
Especially if Trump is soundly defeated in 2020, rather than removed/dead/term limited. Once his legacy is clearer because a little time has passed, they will all wash their hands of him and act like everyone else is an asshole for not letting it go. Your redneck relatives will come back out of the woodwork all mad…
“Sure baby, you can look through my phone”