Adored the multi-part sprite animations on the gigantic bosses.
Adored the multi-part sprite animations on the gigantic bosses.
[Obligatory “Former QA Tester Notice”] Another issue is, even with a sizable QA team, once the game is released into the wild, the man hours (# of folks * hours they spent) of the general public playing the game (of a popular release) immediately dwarfs the entire man hours of the QA team. Games are big; QA / Dev does…
THIS. But, 2 hours, tho.
SERIOUSLY, though: I want to make a game that is ENTIRELY character creation. You get given a procedurally generated starting state, you roll up a character (alignment, quirks, stats, starting gear, class, ...), and BLAM, results of your quest, how everything turned out, MAYBE save the meta…
Some of these look SO much like 3d clay. That’s an interesting aesthetic.
Glad to have you back! Hopes and positive vibes for a more full recovery.
“At least medium evil.” Lol.
Monster Hunter World (my first MH) has one of the tightest gameplay-loops I’ve ever seen. Nails the theme of being a hunter of monsters, down to supply runs to gather the necessary ammo/reagents you need for a big hunt. The story grounds all that as an ecological survey. COOL!
AND... my son and I love Destiny in all…
SOLD! Really wanted to find a reason to take the dive into Origins. Blam!
I know I snapped up the Darksiders remaster pack for dirt cheap when they announced 3, having never finished 1, nor played 2... I think it was something like $5 for both. So, drunk or not, you prob got a deal. Well, except we both could’ve had it for free. D’oh!
THIS GAME!!! We played as a whole family on one save file (SOMEbody saved during the death sequence at one point! Zombie dinner table and all). The frakking books you read to get insight into the puzzles were the scariest part, cuz the imagery’d stick with you... Friggin’ “serpentine dagger”...
Oooo! the image sequence with the woman with the flowers, the scientist, and the guy in the window have got to be from Nathaniel Hawthorne’s ‘Rappaccini’s Daughter’! Too cool!
OH OH OH! And, Space Battles, fo sho! ‘Cuz as cool as collecting fancy loading screen decorations is... Getting pulled out of warp to engage with random pirate encounters would be just immersive enough. It’s the whole Star Wars fantasy game, right? Oh, noes, the deal went bad! Pew-pew your way to your ship, blast off,…
I’d totes be okay with a soft-reboot in the form of a prequel! The grimoire cards for Rise of Iron detailing how the Iron Lords recruit willing Guardians, but toppled the fiefs of resisting self-styled Warlords had a groovy sci-fi Mad Max feel. Or, taking it even further back, set it as the Traveler arrives to Earth,…