Yeah, the Disney movie doesn’t really count, regardless of how much I personally like it.
Yeah, the Disney movie doesn’t really count, regardless of how much I personally like it.
Man, I loved those books as a kid, or at least the earlier ones. I wish they could get the LotR-tier movie adaptation they deserve.
I’m of a similar opinion. It’s why I always recommend Chronicles of Prydain to young adults looking for good fantasy novels.
Reminds me of FDR addressing Pearl Harbor survivors and talking about how these anniversaries sneak up on you, and that he hoped he wasn’t bombing.
Oddly the soundtracks for both games are pretty great.
They don't even need to be quick-witted, any level of wit would get their press pass revoked around these people.
A sharp, quick-witted journalist would lose this level of access.
The judge should have made it $14.88MM. Then they’d almost have to pay it.
Kids who just want to play Pokémon.
I honestly don’t understand why they are not just more straight forward about it. “We wanted to make it more family friendly, please stop whining. ” They honestly would’ve gained some respect from me.
Hell in today’s climate I would’ve even accepted: “We have developers to feed, that gets harder to do if our game is…
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7!
Nativist appeals will always be popular (and always be incredibly ironic when issued by Anglo-Europeans to Anglo-Europeans living in the US) precisely because the “This land is my land, it isn’t your land, I’ve got a shotgun, and you ain’t got one” knee-jerk reaction is so goddamned strong in most people. You see the…
So I could actually roll up a girl Zelda?
it is in all of hearts
I fell so far behind in D2 after Forsaken dropped. I didn’t pick up the Annual Pass, and never reached the cap of Forsaken because I grew tired of that grind. Maybe this will pull me back. Though I’m dreading having to get all the way to whatever the cap is now. Destiny is still one of my favorite games, despite my…
Ok but why don’t women appreciate me for the hobbies I have now, which include criticizing them online and playing video games?