Tintin Quarantino

The Alphabet is Lynch's best film.

That and the weathercock ninnies who don't really care about any political issues and just voted for him because they found him entertaining.

This is exactly what I was hoping to see from him. He's right. I could kiss him, if he wasn't so repulsive on every conceivable level.

That's EDAM shame because there's going to be a fuck-ton of them


Dibs on "The Ghost of Cheesy-E" when we reach Kinja.

I CHUCKled at this CHEESE-E joke.

For the record, Twocents posted that response within 10 seconds of the original comment. Pure muthafucking magic.

Oh God, yes. We're talking about a totally outrageous paradigm!

To this day, whenever I see/hear the HBO intro logo with the static etc., I always expect to hear the Curb music afterwards despite the fact that I haven't seen an episode in at least seven years.

I've stayed out of that because I knew it'd be a shitshow sheetshow.

"Populist" over here in Europe is a polite euphemism for "Nazi-adjacent".

"I'm a big boy now."

God damn it, knew it was too good to be true. Still, we'll see how loyal Bannon and Trump are to each other in the coming weeks.

There's a retroactively hilarious article in Axios from two days ago which lists all of the groups Trump has alienated, followed by a list of those he hasn't:

He's the sort of guy you look at and think "too many ribs", and mean it two ways.

Breitbart seem to be indicating that they're going to war with somebody. One cautiously presumes this means the Trump administration. So we can maybe, perhaps, quietly rejoice as the snake begins auto-fellating its own tail.

I think they're going for a sort of Jabba the Hutt/Citizen Kane vibe.