Tintin Quarantino


God damn rich clones!

Boy I hope they bring back Jeff Goldblum for this one. He was perfect in the original.

If they could have only added some Minions to this film somehow it would be a perfect storm of demographic targeting.


it still conforms to the tired comedy mandate that at least a half-dozen contemporary pop-culture references must be inserted into the average feature-length script. (Instagram, Blue Apron, American Girl dolls, Antiques Roadshow, and HGTV all come up in conversation.)

Glad to see Kesha's a fan of Francis Ford Coppola's 1983 film The Outsiders. Stay golden Kesha!

He meant height though.

Clint Howard looks like Gilbert Gottfried's voice.

Then so now is my faith in the power of love.

Fighting for her client!
Wearing sexy loincloths, and bein' self-reliant!

I loved DeVito's dramatic reimagining of Ron's pregnancy, Junior.

Oh wait sorry guys - I guess I was thinking of the Wrong Perlman.

Though having said that, I hope this doesn't affect the schedule for the gritty Tweety Bird reboot he's clearly meant to be starring in.

Ron Perlman is the best in everything he's in and his enduring marriage to Danny DeVito is an inspirational love story.

Clint Howard was always the obvious choice to play a young Han Solo, even before Brother Ron got involved.

*Stalinist jargon

"a hardcore ISIS recruitment site"

Even our Great British American Norwegian bus seats are being radicalised :'(

I work for a certain educational network which shows nothing but reality TV. I feel your pain.