You mean the views that she openly admits she regrets?
You mean the views that she openly admits she regrets?
LETS FUCKING GO. Let’s make the Left’s response to the motherfucking Tea Party. It starts here, people.
No one questioned her intelligence, at least not in any comment I’ve seen thus far. What I questioned, though, is her familiarity with women writers whose work predates her, and the fact that it’s her privilege in Hollywood that sets her apart, and not that the way she wants to depict women’s sexuality is in any way…
Everyone at FuckedNews makes their bank by blowing Valdimir Putin, but this guy’s the one who should be ashamed?
First off, work is work, and the people who do an honest job should be treated with dignity and respect, on the clock and off.
He knows it, too. (I mean, they all do.)
It is long overdue, MD. I am sick to death of the praise she receives on this site.
Here’s how I imagine this article went down at Jezebel. Editor: “We should write about Succession, there’s a lot of buzz. Hazel: “Sure, I’ll do it”. Hazel then runs out of time and trashes the show based on one episode. Hazel, it is LITERALLY YOUR JOB as a culture editor to watch the series and then present informed…
its not like aaron sorkin at all. if it was kendall, would have witty idealistic speeches when his exwife or dad cut him up. and the characters wouldn’t have the depth Jesse Armstrong showed so well in Peep Show. It’s probably the best show on tv, but hey, shit articles whose main thesis makes no sense good work F-
I just took some time to peruse the authors articles... I get it now.
I’m curious as to what the negative reviewers watch. Succession is brilliant. You find yourself rooting for a different asshole in every scene. At first I thought Roman (Culkin) was going to be someone to root for until his ruthless homerun stunt. This review is pointless really. How are you going to give an honest…
Wow. Yes, the first couple episodes did make me wonder but soon after I knew I was in. Yes, they’re villians but a great undercurrent is why they are the way they are. Greg and Tom are brilliant together. Logan build this empire and is a complete a**hole. You’d think his kids only tolerate him for the money but…
And your article, which is the only article of yours that I’ve read, was trash and wasted my time. Therefore, I won’t be reading anything more written by you. See? Two can play at this moronic small sample size game. Smh
you’re dumb. this show is amazing
By the time the season ended, I was deeply in love with it. The show has a rough beginning, which everyone can agree on, but once you get to the end of the (very short) season, you realize it’s actually telling a very different story that you originally thought it was. Well worth the watch.
Not sure what the point of this is other than you’re in a bad mood and want to complain because people talk to you. I found it entertaining enough but I did think the Chappaquiddick style ending was a bit of a copout.
14 boys? 2 things..
Respectfully, I encourage you to watch Succession. I was not into it for the first couple of episodes. But then, the character pictured above developed in a way that was compelling and satisfying. The last episode of the season is super tense and surprising and captivating.
Now, you absolutely do not need to watch…
No one needs to watch Succession. But totally should.