
“You’re making the biggest mistake of my career.”- Pat Riley

Washington Field is where reigning League Most Good Player Bryce Harper slaps base circlers and Max Scherzer makes aces of opposing stick wavers. Its next to the basketball ring where professional sphere hurler John Wall excites us with athlete gyrations and accumulates scores and helps.

Need to cut off the money shot at the end. That's weird.

Maybe Donald Trump isn’t Pittsburgh’s favorite right wing troll.

Blackhawks could have bought Bickell out and carred a $1M/$1.5M cap hit for the next two seasons while hanging on to a dynamic, affordable young player. There is nothing good about this deal from the Blackhawks’ perspective, and it’s also the second consecutive year the Blackhawks have had to include a talented, young

I think losing TT won’t be as painful as we think. After all, losing Saad is not why the Hawks didn’t beat STL. They need one or two third-pair d-men. Maybe this helps with that somehow.

I’m with you. Nick Schmaltz on his way, soon. Traded away Dano last year...Had Trevor Daley, but looked at Q’s mustache the wrong way, so was shipped out for a back of pucks and Rob Scuderi.

Bickell contract hell hasn’t a patch on Seabrook contract hell.

Goodbye, Taco Tuesday.

Counter Point.

Nice try, Drew. Still not gonna listen to one of these.

Extra innings become super mega bonus extra innings. Here’s how it works.

On Monday’s premiere, the takes weren’t hot.

Was a big fan of DeBoer but his decisions in the Final have been so weird. I swear Spaling has like a nude picture of him and is blackmailing him or something

I read George Plimpton’s “Open Net” years ago, when he was in Bruins camp as a goalie for a few weeks one year. He talked to a hockey ref about how he got players broken up during a fight, and the ref said he liked to insult the players on their fighting skills by telling them “Knock it off, this fight is terrible,

Weird, after 10,000+ hours of masturbating I'm still getting the same result.

“Methodology flawed; why are we discussing this?”

-Prof. A. Iverson, University of Pennsylvania, Reader for original paper

what is the point of this post? this book came out 8 years ago and people have been calling bullshit for 8 years. is this your summer book report?

That actually happens. If you get a better job offer and go to your company to see if they want to match, they’re almost certainly going to try to sell you on the perks of staying at the place you know as a way to avoid paying you as much to stay.