Twitter just made it easier for you to switch your home time line between the latest tweets and top tweets on your…
Artisanally curated to boot.
Vaping is already regarded as a public health concern. It’s not the catastrophe that cigarettes are. But it is a step backwards. Having teens inhale unknown, unregulated toxins is bad. Having them become addicted to nicotine is adding insult to injury.
Uhhhhhh... it isn’t a setback. Because they haven’t started smoking again.
That’s why the parents need to take up vaping now and wear Supreme garments. Hang out with your kids and show them just how much of a tool they look.
Here’s the best part: the absolute full-blown freak-the-FUCK-out panic over vaping currently raging all over the world is only going to convince more teens to start vaping. That’s how this shit works, people! That’s how this shit has always worked!
People don’t really associated chicken with indulgence but, when prepared with love and care (and lots of fat), it…
Food is the most important part of a dinner party, but booze is a close second. Rather than opening up your entire…
Also, don’t make kief butter because you’ll wake up in a haze in a pillow fort in your living room wondering where Saturday went.
That’s why it’s good to have a regular candy bar in addition to the special one. Take a nibble of your edible, and if you’re craving more candy, scratch that itch with a much safer—and cheaper—sweet treat.
HARD agree. Never ever ever condone drugging or intoxicating someone without their knowledge or consent. Even with caffeine !
I’m all for this but I do ask that you tell your guest the truth about whether or not your brownies having pot in them. People have job interviews and drug tests they may have to take. It’s not cute or funny to trick others into doing drugs without their knowledge.
Maybe this is me showing my innocence here, but I’m having trouble believing my stoner friends went to this much trouble to make pot brownies. I always just assumed that they used a regular box of mix plus some ground up weed. Guess that’s not a thing?
My girlfriend and I were ambushed by her ex. She was shot 6 times and killed after I took the first round to the chest and was left for dead. The novelty dogtag I wore around my neck deflected a .357 round from less than 10 yds, sent it sideways through my chest cavity, where it exited and entered my arm and lodged in…
“He said this is fair to young and healthy people, who can now “pick and choose” their insurance”