“There is no microSD card slot, nor is there a headphone jack”
“There is no microSD card slot, nor is there a headphone jack”
Just leave them alone. No harm, no fowl.
Neither. They don’t fucking care. This whole “don’t feed the trolls” stuff doesn’t work on them because they are not trolling.
You’ve got it all wrong. Fake news!
That’s a very small piece of toilet paper for such a large piece of shit.
I have played Assassin’s Creed since AC1, and I have studied Assassin’s History since I was 5 years old. I majored in Economics at UCLA with a minor in Assassin Studies, with a heavy focus on Desmond Miles. To call me “uneducated” because I want a reasonablly authentic game is completely uncalled for. Women DID NOT…
Wait, you DO play checkers on a chessboard. Or chess on a checkerboard. It’s the same board!
I bet you did alot of finishing too.
Actually, the game sets the chance of female generals to zero for all cultures where having female military leaders makes no sense. If you see a female general of a specific culture in-game it’s because that culture historically allowed female military leaders. The specific chance might be off, but it’s a game, not a…
It’s a really simple solution for something that isn’t a problem.
I think the real outrage here is that this game exists at all, given that video games didn’t exist back in Roman times. #anachronismpcbullshitmagaethicsinvideogamejournalismpizzagate
Nobody cares.
Imagine being so insecure that a fake woman holding a position of authority in a videogame made you uncomfortable. I'm not at all surprised that their celebacy is involuntary.
to add. the way gamers and “nerd culture “ people act anymore, if anyone asks what my hobby is, I just say i watch porn, becasue at this point, its the LESS EMBARRASSING FAN-BASE I BELONG TO
Japanese does not have articles or plural form of nouns, so Totoro in the title could mean“the Totoro(s)”. The actual name of the animals is not clear. May called it Totoro because it looks like the troll from a book she read. Totoro is a mispronunciation of torooru (Japanese word for troll, transliterated from…
Helloooo. I’m Wirru, the cosplayer in the photos.
There’s nothing to tax. It’s almost all share value, not money.