
Putin: “Glad we’re alone Mr. President, away from all those bureaucrats, da?

Might as well drink up. He’s already dead.

Or you could live in Canada where I don’t know when the last time they didn’t have a mobile pay machine with the chip technology and you fill out the tip on the machine.

Now listen up, you troglodytes. You’re going to come at me about how this totally erases the OBVIOUS RAMPANT SEXISM. As if the sexism that Ellie faced was un-sexism because it was a guy all along. And as if it wasn’t still wholly indicative of the experience that women face trying to enter esports.

... I am not sure if I should start saying she is dabbling in being a ManGaGaKa?

... I’ll see myself out

You totally forgot about the Final Fantasy VII remake

We get it, you’re incredibly self-important 

the bad part is it was kickstarted in 2010 bc. delays people.

I’ve banned a lot of people in my 10+ years working video game support, so I’ll submit two stories, both from the same company:

After reading a bunch of the comments here I feel the need to express an unpopular opinion: y’all need to chill the fuck out.

One does not simply cross-section into Mordor...

Brandy, you’re a fine girl

Me, reading the headline: “Just how on earth does one manage to work in a racial slur while defending anti-vaccination comments - maybe it wasn’t really a slur and it’s all one big misunderstanding”

Cultural shifts aren’t always blatant. Anyone who’s worked for a major corporation can attest to the invisible pressures that can emerge over time.

Just a friendly reminder as to what it used to look like:

This x1000. My aunt(my dad’s sister) is a non-working, can’t do anything without marijauna drama queen and he has put up with it like a saint, but I think he’s finally starting to draw his line and stop giving a fuck.

The head bandanna is there to let everyone know he’s keeping it real, and the biking glasses indoors says he can never be blinded.

Maybe I’m out of the loop, but there’s no details explaining how we can link this to medical negligence? Creating a belief that Ms. Porter went a doc and got negligent care because she’s black doesn’t seem accurate; I have read that she was feeling ill the night before passing and was discovered at home deceased, not