I actually stopped after 3 hours of trying to tap my way out of that part, went to bed and came back after school the next day to attempt it.
I discovered that I could simply vibrate my entire hand instead of actually TRYING to press the button. Made it through first attempt.
Never struggled with those type of…
That explains alot of things actually...
Yeah, would be just as funny honestly.
Pissed, sure. But pissed at who? The investors bought it at a city auction. The city sold it because taxes weren’t being paid. Everything was done by the book here.
And that address excuse is bull. Try not paying your taxes to the IRS for 30 years and see how far the “shit didn’t update my address” excuse takes you.
Then that’s Uber’s issue. OC should take it up with the company not with other drivers that are being creative.
Welcome to the free market.
You may want to study what some of the base characteristics of capitalism actually are before making that statement...
Gamers being understanding???? How dare they!
Although they’re able to stop Meteor, it appears to wipe out the planet anyway, and at the end of the game the only survivor we see is Red XIII, a dog who gains strength from his hairpins.
I’m stealing that analogy. So hilariously accurate.
That... does not really boost confidence in the success rate of this endeavour lol
fake news
you are a horrible person but here’s my star anyways
Hehehe... In Vancouver, Canada, if you are under 20 and Chinese you can practically see the car salesman drool on all the fat commission he’s about to make.
I remember when the Aventador came out... first 7 in the city sold to 18 year Chinese kids.
I expected the subsequent updates to be like “UPDATE: Starting to get better!”... except it totally went the other way.
Oh man these guys. I tried to buy a mug from them one year and their PAYMENT SYSTEM DIDNT WORK. I was like... how the shit does your payment system not work???!!!
So I emailed them thinking that it may have just been a temporary outage. I got a reply 4.5 months later... Honestly, why bother answering a support ticket…
Why the fuck would you come to Foxtrot Alpha for cars?
Every other cast members would just be chairs.
I raise you a Super Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann: