
I never got far enough in the game to know metal slimes actually exists... *cries in a corner*

Extra love for that Metal Gear Rex in one of the pictures.

The first Total War game I played was Total War: Shogun. I couldn’t make it past the tutorial... THE FUCKING TUTORIAL.

Love at first sight.

I’ll take that as a “oui”? Oooo look a kitten.

I remember a few months ago there was a debate about how Valve’s Majors and TI were wrecking smaller third party tournaments because the sheer size of the prize pool meant tier 1 teams often prioritized training for the big ones than going to the small tournaments.

Then you read something like this.

Honestly I think the

Japanese are generally way better behaved and more socially responsible.

Bah it’s probably a level 1 slime, they’ll be fine.

Ah yes Dragon Quest... i think it was one of the first video games I ever owned (my older cousin gave me his NES and all his games when he outgrew them). I never actually finished the game. The only thing I remember was getting into an area and meeting new mobs that wrecked me... and then I just gave up.

Can’t believe I didn’t think of this earlier

Thousand thousand dollars!

Are all french born without a sense of humour?

Wait... did he actually SAY “Dab”?????

“The police told me it was ok for these people to make death threats to me because of freedom of speech,” she said in a private Twitter message. “So my immediate response was to issue death threats to the people who started the defamation crusade against me.”

Sorry... no idea why I said expansion.

So like a first person WoW/Diablo hybrid + heavy PvP?

This was how I imagined Thor to look like before they cast Hemsworth and that sexy sexy body of his. *drool*

Esti de tabernak il existe des francophones en dehors de votre criss de pays.

(am I doing it correctly?)


Read this. It’s ridiculous.

Hey! Are you the same Sir TapTap who did this:

Holy ballz on a stick... I got curious and looked up this whole saga and it’s meeeeessseeed up.