
You can’t math, can you?

The Trump Organization is one of the companies that pushed for banks to approve people regardless of credit score in order to sell more real-estate and take lower interest rates. This push is one of the reasons the housing bubble collapsed and triggered the recession.

I alway’s laughed at those letters.

It’s more like a ball of wibbly wobbly, timey wimey, stuff.

That only works short term. After a couple months the prices of all products will increase so employers can continue to produce goods while still employing people. We would end up back at square one in less than 6 months.

That’s Liberty’s policy though, not other companies policy. That’s why I say it’s tricky.

Fantastic. I know it’s on the pricier side, but I have always had such good experience with Apple products and support, and if I can get it to last even half as long as my MacBook it will have been worth it.

Question. As someone who does very little work on their aging Macbook Pro outside the occasional spreadsheet or work document, but still needs something to store and play with photos, play music, and go online, would this be an adequate replacement?

That depreciation commercial is tricky, because we don’t know how much time has actually passed. They say “brand new” car, so if it’s brand new brand new, like within a month or two, yeah your insurance should be outright replacing it.

Except the impact bars are so far inward from everything that they are effectively useless at protecting anything in front of the core support.

He doesn’t have to step away. There is no law saying that a president must sell or turn over their business and other financial holdings to a blind trust. Lyndon B. Johnson started it to convince people he wasn’t the snake which history proved him to be.

CO2 is a natural part of the ecosystem. Its become an issue because we’re producing too much.

This looks...even worse.

Also true, but with an almost 90% reduction in CO2. All you have to do is figure out where to pump it where it is both beneficial and easy to do so. Some concerns have been that it would “leak out”, but it sounds like there are ecosystems that would benefit from it.

Also true.

Wow. Such a compelling argument. My stance on this issue has changed.

You say that like it’s a joke, but clean coal is definitely a thing:

This is a very ignorant comment. His father was already successful, yes, but Donald took his father’s business and expanded it beyond his wildest dreams. Of the 500 some businesses that Trump owns, only five or six filed for bankruptcy, which was done so the parent company could pay off the loans and restructure the

It creates artificial inflation. Since tariffs are jacking up the price of foreign steel, American companies see that they can raise the price of their product while still being cheaper.

Hunger Games.