
I trust RockAuto parts about as much as I trust Trump to speak grammatically correct English. Too many times I’ve been bitten in the ass for the sake of saving money.

Honda will have to convince me.

No car born in the 90's has.

Our EPA testing should just consist of having a 200lbs. person drive a car from DC to San Francisco and back for the highway figures, and then have that same person drive the same car around Boston for the day to get the city figures.

The people who realize that CUV’s are more expensive.

“I don’t want to admit that I’m wrong, so I’m going to say you haven’t come up with a good argument despite having come up with a good argument” - you

Still don’t know why you’re calling me a rapist. You haven’t provided any proof that I am one.

And what did he say that perjured him?

Does he have even one tiny shred of evidence for this belief?


“Never argue with fools. They will drag you down and beat you with experience”

You said she should cry and run out at “the first asshole question” from a republican. By this I assume you mean she should make a scene at the first question asked by a republican. Even if the question isn’t allowed, she can still be held in contempt if she tries to leave. I can’t believe I have to tell you this a

That is an option too.

I don’t think he’s talking about the Echo here, rather a second vehicle he is underwater on.

Alright, you got me there. It could, and would, be labeled “inadmissible” if no other evidence supports it.

My evidence is that every witness she has called out has contradicted her story and that the story itself isn’t consistent and has even contradicted itself.

You’re still calling me a rapist. I told you, I need “transphobe” to win Liberal Bingo!

You’re right, if she did that then she would be held in contempt instead, but she is far more likely to commit perjury, which is when you lie while under oath. This would inevitably happen since she hasn’t been able to keep her story straight. You would also know that oral testimony MAY be accepted as evidence, but is

The tolerant left everyone. I hate that I used to be on your side.