
I'm stressed out and confused now.

Spoiler Alert: He gets hits by the computer with a red turtle shell right before crossing the finish line and comes in second.

I updated to 4.2 last night without any issues. When I left for work this morning I decided to listen to some tunes (Yes, "tunes"). Seems reasonable, right? Nope. All my music was gone.

@The-Overmind: There was, but the robot killed the camera man and destroyed the tape.

Hey #Apple, change the #iPad switch back to screen lock!

@Justin Lancaster: Though you state it as a fact, that is your opinion. Is it really that tough to make an option in the settings menu??

This is great news. I heard that one of the approved "third-party security firms" was Hooters.

I still don't understand why people care so much about The Beatles on iTunes. Don't all those people already have their music?

I played with mine all day yesterday. It's definitely not perfect, but I do like it.

DULLARD - ↓ ↑ ← ← A → ↓

It seems like the obvious choice to me. That game is just so fantastic. It's still a lot of fun to play today.

I think we all have a healthy enough fear of dropping our gadgets in the toilet. I'd rather not increase the odds.

@Scott D. Feldstein: Perhaps kids behave differently because of the environment in which the sugar is given. They probably already have the "it's play time" mentality regardless of whether or not they have the sugar around. And because sugar is typically given to kids during play time, the children may

@Daemonicus: I'm pretty sure he would bitch slap all of us.

@campbell000: Uh, how about not going into a store where the car

@Dan Del Rio: I've *heard* that Tampa is the real deal.

Did we miss a Florida meet and greet with the infamous Jesus Diaz?