

It got taken down by the developer because the server demand was too great.

Maybe we should punish the people who hired this jackass.

@MaWeiTao: "That's funny... I thought the improved design was on the right."

I'm torn. Everything I hear about China makes it seems like an oppressive, awful place to live. Then I see articles like this. What's the real story??

Not getting "bonfire" from that.

I don't eat at McDonald's often (maybe a few times a year), but when the McRib is around I can't help myself. That is, until I find one of those really hard mystery pieces in the meat. Then I quit until they come around again the next year. And so on...

@devianaut: Agreed. I despise politics because of crap like this. And even IF this is a coincidence, it would be nice if they'd at least make an attempt to not sound so damned biased.

The first thing I do when this list pops up is check the rating. Here is a list of iPhone apps and their respective rating on the 5 star scale. Hope this helps someone! I only have an iPhone, so there are no iPad or Andoid apps listed.

@Rob C: Yes, but those devices stand out because they do what they do... very well. And I never said that it wasn't a "solid deal". My point is that this is barely an Android device.

@Neopolis: Well said. I couldn't agree more.

@Fossa: That's silly. While it may be more true than not, a blanket statement classifying all Republicans and Democrats into one of two groups (1. Cares about science, 2. Doesn't care about science) is unfair.

@Jack Skitt: I do agree that it's pricey, but that doesn't make it a bad tablet and it doesn't make the Nook a good one.

I am a bit confused about the choice of the Nook Color as the best Android tablet. From what they've shown, it seems that all the Android-ishness has been dumbed down in favor of emphasizing its superior e-reader qualities.

Everyone has mentioned it, but nobody added the #Corrections tag.

@Sreekrishnan Venkatesan: No kidding. It's also a great way to avoid awkward conversations with the people around you.