
This is such a shame. I'm glad there is a new GTA and I'm sure it will be great, but we'll have to wait another 3-4 years to get a true next gen GTA. And we could have had that now, but they are choosing to develop for consoles and 8-12 months down the road it will be it will be ported to the PC with some half-assed

You take things WAY too seriously. How is it that this makes you so angry?

Tim Cook can admit failure, but you can't.

...didn't mean to reply directly to you. Disregard this comment.

"Sorry to be so hard on it"


This is exactly why I use SugarSync to backup all of my saved games. It also allows me to play on multiple computers without have to manually transfer files.

Were you 5 when you worked at the hardware store?

"Will people be able to see my Twitter/Facebook/Google account on this site?

Yet people still enjoy riding horses. Why didn't we just kill them all off?

If you don't have a spare pair of glasses or just want to get a few on the cheap, I highly recommend [www.zennioptical.com]

Our national debt has almost DOUBLED in the last 4 years. If this trend continues, we're all screwed. A change of a few percent of employment rates is inconsequential in comparison.

He did leave an impression...

I rarely wear mine outside of the gym, but when I do and people make comments, they are usually positive or, at worst, inquisitive. I suppose some people think I look like an idiot, but they are a great conversation starter.

I bought a pair of the Vibram Komodosport LS nearly a year ago and I love them. I don't typically use them for running, but I can wear them during strenuous workouts (parkour/gymnastics) for hours at a time without ever noticing them.

"But Palm and Steve Jobs are both dead"

"It certainly does look convincing"

I prefer [www.searchtempest.com] You can center your search around a specified area, which seems much more helpful.

You can make one yourself. Just follow these three links:

You are part of the target audience.