
She's so subtle.

Or somebody who wants to raise their own nonpaid servant.

I just ... here we have a kid (now adult) who has enough self-knowledge to know he needs help and actively asks for it and he's being denied because his foster parents don't "believe" in therapy? So rage inducing. This poor guy has been through so much and just keeps getting pushed down. Such a failure on the system

No, that's the description of a child who is going to be sold to pedophiles.

Free market! Free market! No regulation! #Freedom! #Liberty!

Are the people adopting these children totally isolated from any outside society? Relatives, neighbors, churches, schools, friends? I’m just saying I would find it MAD SUSPICIOUS if someone I knew went off to China for a kid and then the kid disappeared after six months. I guess they just lie about “sending him/her

You can say the same thing about football.

I like how all the public chatter is about what a whore Bay is and she deserved it, yet there's hardly a peep about Daily.

this seems more like an isolated incident of a BF and GF with an infection than some outbreak warranting a mass industry condom crackdown...

Thanks for posting this over here as well as in GT, because I think this is really the issue. Not that he's claiming to speak for gay people (I really don't think he is), but that he's getting tons of recognition and credit while other queer artists are not. Which is not Macklemore's fault, necessarily, but should be

It's super that he recognizes how wrong it is but I really don't think it would be bad for him to ask others what their experiences were and in the song mention that these experiences were told to him. He could give them credit and recognize himself as merely the artist who is conveying the message. Allies are

with a hugely successful single.

exactly, so everyone losing their minds over a "PRO-GAY POP ANTHEM!!" in 2013 is a bit weird to me.

I as a white woman would not presume in a million years to write a song about it being ok to be black and explaining the world's acceptance to black women. I don't know that experience, I don't own it, it isn't mine. My abled sister would not presume it to be acceptable for her to write a song trying to uplift the

There is a really good Racialicious piece that points out:

honestly, this dude writing a pro-gay anthem is a no-lose scenario. With acceptance for gay rights at the highest it's ever been, and how gay pop music is right now (I don't mean that pejoratively, I mean pop music right now is generally gay-friendly), and how popular this guy is, he couldn't lose. No one who hates

Someone Poppy (Yes, he's pop) exploiting the LGBTQ community for cash? Feel like there's been a few other artists who have done this.

1) Mute the sound of this video

I watched 27 seconds of this and then said, "I get it." in a disgusted voice aloud to myself.

Exactly. Thank you.

You cannot defend a woman's right to do what she wants and then suddenly demote her to the position of a defenceless young girl when she does stupid shit. Part of being a woman is being allowed to do idiotic things without someone thinking you've been forced into it.