
This is some weak shit, right here. Nice try.

Waiting for the Republican outrage about how entitled and out of touch Hollywood stars are alienating half of America. Even though we will have a President who is an out of touch, former Hollywood star who alienates half of America.


And you helping with the fight as well....right?

It’s so interesting how this shit is spun when rape is brought in. Murder, assault, hell DUI, workplaces et al can take whatever disciplinary action they want without protest. But rape, oh no, think about due process!

Yes, it should be easier to kick someone out of school than it is to put them in prison. That’s not a hard question.

The Bible and the Constitution: Two documents conservatives talk about constantly but know little about.

Bringing up the constitution is basically the same as Art Briles quoting the bible all the damn time. Its saying some document a bunch of morons consider literally perfect has proven I am right no matter what so there please hire me again

So a rapist who drags a stranger off the street—which is a very small percent of them—has, like, no moral standards, but a man who rapes his ex-girlfriend, a co-worker, a woman who accepted a date with him, a woman who thought he was her friend, his own wife, his teenaged cousin, an unconscious woman at a party; those

“Being your first lady has been the greatest honor of my life and I hope I’ve made you proud.” - Melania Trump

Or you’re at Arby’s

“If everyone around you is angry, then you’re the asshole.”

I think I only commented once in that post because someone was demanding the Black Lives Matter repudiate those idiots. And I told them they were being ridiculous because the only people who are bringing up BLM with regards to the crime are white nationalist trolls.

But but but... her emails!

I’m still angry at people who didn’t give enough of a shit to vote, voted third party because they thought HRC was “the same” or worse than Trump, and those that voted Trump as a fun little protest vote, not thinking he’d actually be elected

They are God’s children caught in a culture of rap...

And at least 20% of the TVs at any gym I’ve ever been in are tuned to Fox News. I used to change them if I could reach them, but now they’re all mounted too high.