
“willingly make themselves victims”

A religious person deliberately misinterpreted anecdotes to fit their own narrative?

The second guy thinks five partners is a concerning amount of sexual history...?? Buddy... that’s not even the least bit unreasonable.

So not only did he throw out her birth control, but then he made sure he was filmed “interviewing” her about it because he knew she would freak the fuck out. Well, that’s....disgusting.

It is a truly incredible museum—I happened to go one Sunday with a friend who’d managed to snag tickets, and it was just amazing. Getting to see an entire museum dedicated to people who look like me and my family, and getting to see how rich and full and detailed it was...wow.

“These are four of the best students, academically, behavioral-wise,” Wilson said. “They just made a bad decision.”

Ok. Fuck Daren Aronofsky for this wankfest male privilege masturbatory bullshit of a movie.

What makes this shitstain even worse is that there is a good horror film to be made from this material - but this isn’t it.

It sucks so bad I am astonished anyone greenlit it in 2017. And I’m really pissed off that Jennifer

I don’t see a ton of 20 year age gaps in the real world, but they’re overrepresented in Hollywood and it’s almost always the woman is younger and the man is older and there’s usually some weird power dynamic, I’m not here for it. I might catch this movie anyway if it’s truly as bizarre as people say it is, it might

This movie sounds like it would be totally up my alley but Jennifer Lawrence doesn’t do it for me at all and I don’t buy Javier Bardem as her husband at all

Definitely. Gamergate/MRA are gateway drugs to the alt right. Tons of overlap. Think of how they treated Leslie Jones, it’s not a coincidence that she’s a WOC.

Was listening to one of many interviews HRC has given this week - she pointed out that the sexism directed against her was way worse in 2016 than 2008 or even before - she points to Trump’s overt sexism as giving people permission to say things they would have felt uncomfortable saying in the past. I don’t think she’s

And before them came Wendy Carlos, Delia Derbyshire, Cosey Fanni Tutti, Sofia Gubaidulina, and cofounder of the BBC Radiophonic Workshop Daphne Oram, just to name a few off the top of my head.

Nikon: See, we told you there were no women photographers. 

CNN reports that Tito Catota, 38, Parmenio I. Perez, 40, and Michael Papagni, 32, have been charged with forcibly assaulting, impeding, intimidating and interfering with two male officers.

James Woods doesn’t think a 24 year old dating a 17 year old is bad. He thinks a 24 year old guy dating a 17 year old guy is bad.

So not only does Tamblyn’s description of the encounter ring true, she follows/juxtaposes it with this;

Jesus, you ain’t kidding! Men call us emotional but they can’t handle a goddamn unicorn movie. CLASSIC.

I’m so glad Brie doesn’t come across as cheesy.