
Help Tina find a cute full-butt coverage bikini.

I’m thinking this is the same reaction as Trump primary voters

Please, just don’t.

What a dick

Of course!

Werth = making baseball fun again

They’re pro-life though, right?

Women have to be naked on that show regularly because they take historical accuracy very seriously

I stopped reading after “from a perfectly respectable 32C to a seriously impressive 32DD"

Roly poly over butterfly? Sorry, no

I understand your point and why some people wouldn’t like it. My take on the show is that the folks behind reality TV are all garbage people. Men and women, doesn’t matter. But I don’t think we’re supposed to cheer for them. I hope people aren’t cheering for them!

How many articles do we need to reveal that women, WOMEN, like to have sex?

I refuse to listen to country music on purpose.

“I think he will not be a danger to others”

“Things sometimes get rapey, something that is, for better or worse, pretty common in animated porn.”

This reporting is necessary and exemplary. But, I really look forward to a day when I can visit Deadspin and not read stories about gross sexual misconduct in sports.

He may just be a big nerd. “Control Alt Delete, I’m shutting down” is something I say often

Isn’t red the hardest color to cover up? Smooth move, guy

Wow, never seen this!