Tina Sena

I was 15 when The X-Files first aired. It was funny because everyone in my family had seen the commercial before it aired and told me there was a show coming on that was just up my alley. I was into science and space and was pretty sure I’d be a physicist or astronomer. After the first season, I wanted to be an FBI

Exactly. Ideas are just floating in the ether. Everyone is plucking at them. It’s just a matter of who get’s to them first. And even then, life experience dictates how you translate that idea. I’ve had ideas and sat on them, only to see something similar published, on TV or in the theater, not too long afterward. Hard

Cary Grant <swoons>

Listen, as a Sci Fi and Horror fanatic, I have taken a lot of shit for not liking the Original Blade Runner film. And believe me, I tried. The atmosphere was just too quiet for me when I was eleven and watching it for the first time. I have tried to go back and watch it again. I own bothe the original cut and the

Listen, I saw Mary McDonnell kick ass for 6 years on Major Crimes. She wasn’t jumping over cars and fighting a la ATOMIC BLONDE, but she did prove one thing: An over 50 (or 60) year old, Female Action star is not asking you to suspend belief. In fact, it’s frakking epic to see. Just my humble little opinion.


OHMYGAWD! I binged it the same night. Loved it!

I’ve seen everything on this list. Which means, I need to get a life.

One of my favourite podcasts.

I think it’s the way her ponytail is positioned. It’s giving the illusion of a longer neck. I can dig it, personally. Can’t wait to see what she does with the character.

The Mote In God’s Eye was my intro to the Genre. I was like, ten or eleven. Damn.

I follow him on IG. He draws these elaborate scenes with like 10 or more characters. It’s amazing to see what he can come up with.

Allison and Helena were my favorites. Siobhan was friggin’ epic from beginning to end. I watched this show for the characters. I will miss it. And I will rewatch.

Speaking from experience, not getting a tech job had nothing to do with how my brain works and everything to do with a) going to school in the hood, where b) I wasn’t afforded the same opportunities as people in better schools, c) was told I didn’t need an extra math or science to graduate, even though I was told I

I just spit V8 splash all over my laptop... LMMFAO!

I love Milla Jovovich! And she has played a villain before: Zoolander and Zoolander 2.

Listen to his interview on Nerdist 👌🏼

That budget was hella tight. I remember Mary McDonnell saying she got into trouble for cracking up during takes because more takes was more money.

I always read the comics assuming the Amazons had accents. I mean, look at their origins and they live on their own island. Expecting them to speak with perfect American accents or even English accents may be kind of absurd.

I met Lynda Carter a few years ago. She was gracious and I don’t even remember a single thing I said to her, although I vaguely remember saying, “You’re so beautiful...” a few too many times. I was skeptical of Gal Gadot until I saw her interviews. Then I saw BvsS and I was sold. She’s awesome. The role went from one