
yeah I noticed!

once an accidental racist, always a deliberate racist.

A ShouldAngButDidn'tAng.

or a ShouldAng.

I'd masturbate to that. If you know if a link let me know.

think off the KEEEEEEDS


Don Was is a known fornicator.

lol … "balls". I just realized that.

well it's been REALLY great to read your intriguing comments on this article, guys … please, DO go on ….

she actually has eaten several of those Tide detergent balls but they just pass right through her because she has no soul.

truth. Very well said. A million likes!

"no need to please the powers that be"

uh …. hello? tits? where are you? tits?

where something happens, doo-doo-doo-doo

babies are gross and there are too many of them

no it should'na. It makes no sense. Just because of the Albuquerque connection? That's no reason. No reason at all, I say!

I dunno man, even after all these years, I still think this album sucks BFDD. I wish it wasn't so.


why do episodes have to "go somewhere" in order to be worthy? Contemporize, man!