how does it keep up with the news like that?
how does it keep up with the news like that?
how does insulting someone in a hilarious manner like I did make me a "crybaby"? That makes no sense.
well ….. no, none of hwat you said is actually true, but who gets actual grades for internet trolling? I would have taken that class.
well I didn't wanna say anything about anyone's mom or nothin'.
would rather be a loud, confrontational internet cretin (I'm not, tho) than a pretentious, pedantic internet cretin (you are, tho)
you know nothing about me
downvote me all you want, chumps. I'll take you down with me
who? welcome to Facebook?
wtf is NIN
my enjoyment or non-enjoyment of his music is not the issue.
seriously, it's like a baby who didn't get his toy.
omg what will the entertainment community do without your support? lol
why does he even care? If the Grammys are as irrelevant as he believes they are, what does it matter? Sounds like someone's a crybaby. Of course with his overwrought "poor me, I'm not happy" nonsense (for over 20 years now, lighten up already dude) I'm not surprised he's still whining.
also, "Let's Go Crazy", the one about the trip to the nut store?
yo, who's downvoting that?
you got to deflate the hate bro. It's ok to like it; I'm mildly curious m'self.
aw yeah … that really passes the time …
I love those guys
I'd hit bofa doze and I ain't even bi.