More important, women with opinions and women who fight back.
More important, women with opinions and women who fight back.
I had to pause the video and take a moment when Newt fucking Gingrich accused Fox fucking News of liberal bias.
The most exciting thing about this year’s United States Grand Prix may have been what its huge turnout means for…
Sounds like both she and the truck driver were equally clueless.
Even if a Formula One race turns out to be as dull as watching paint dry, we can always still rely on something…
Transformers: The Last Knight, set for release next summer, is currently filming near Detroit, so fansite Seibertron.…
“Jag-wire” too.
Always the best reliable disclosure from you, I can’t even comprehend what they must be going through there...its just.. madness...
Just got off the phone with a close friend of mine who’s in Paris for her birthday; she was at a cafe close to one of the attacks. She and her friend were freaking out and a cab driver pulled over and took them back to their hotel for free, while his wife was on the phone pretty much begging him to just come home. She…
What is clearly a well-planned, multiple-pronged terror attack has hammered locations around Paris tonight. Here is…
I said it over on Gawker, but it bears repeating: No religion has a monopoly on terrorism. Jews implemented it in Israel. Catholics developed most of the modern techniques employed today. Conservative Christians have carried it out here in the US. Atheists, Hindus, Buddhists and cults all around the world have…
Good day, people of Jalopnik, and welcome to today’s installment of Letters to Doug, your favorite weekly Jalopnik…
Does anyone know how to become a contestant on Shark Tank?
So many had to go down for this.
The short version is that she has not had a baby or met with a doctor who’s told her that she is pregnant. I still do not think she was ever pregnant and she still disagrees. As far as doing a more in-depth update, I would have to get her permission and cooperation. We’ll see!