Tim Werner

They don’t get why Americans play the anthem before every local game of ball, either. Every other developed nation plays their own anthem only during international competitions when their national team plays.

“Do you believe in the virgin Mary, private Cowboy?”

Now playing

Forced displays of patriotism - in lieu of actual civics (civic engagement) - are a hallmark of fascist societies.

Those two guys in the picture are too busy for this shit.

America - the best democracy money can buy.

Barack Obama is, I imagine, as good as it will get during our lifetime. There won’t be anyone else with his unique personal history again.

I checked the credentials of some UN ambassadors from other major countries and most have 30+ years in the diplomatic service under their belt and have served in a variety of diplomatic functions all over the world before being elevated to a post that is widely seen as the very pinnacle of a career in any nation’s

These GOP Congressmen of late are like the Wehrmacht generals who became part of the resistance, starting May 1st, 1945.

Like stage III cancer, you can’t ignore them. Well, you can, but at your own peril.

What’s Fortnight?

Are they a hereditary condition that only affects males age 18 to 39?

How did he survive being blown out of the Nostromo lifeboat’s airlock?

What’s amazing about the Trumps is that they’ve been in the United States for six generations now - since 1885 - and apparently not a single member of any of those six generations ever served in the military. How did all of the family’s men manage to avoid all of those wars in almost a hundred years of the military

George Will is the dreary, unimaginative bureaucrat’s version of Christopher Hitchens, forever keeping his readers waiting for the first sign of an original thought.

This is a government so inept that they simply forgot to book a hotel for Trump when he visited Germany for the G20 summit in 2017. Mind you, this was 2017, when many “adults in the room” were still on board the Trump train - the government has only gotten more hollowed out since then.

Boomers are the most fortunate, privileged generation in history. They’ve burned through the historic inheritance of their parents and left nothing for their kids and grandkids, and it is those generations (ironically maligned as snowflakes and crybabies by those very boomers) that will have to fix the giant mess they

What President Trump wants or doesn’t want regarding the budget is irrelevant - it is Congress, and only Congress, that controls the purse. The previously agreed to budget (before Fox News got to Trump) can be passed by this Congress or the next Congress without acquiescing to Trump - all it needs to pass is a mere

The FBI is busy persecuting “black identity extremists” by any means necessary, as an example:

If Trump has shown one thing clearly, it’s that the President can actually do a whole lot, especially when it comes to all things related foreign policy.

It will certainly be the year of fourtyfour democratic presidential candidates and fourhundredfourtyfour democratic primary debates.