Tim Werner

“This time he’s mad.”

You are right, or at least my roommate thinks so.

I am mostly just lurking these pages, but today i finally think I have something to contribute here.

I am a relief/aid worker based on the border between Zzimbabwe and Mozambique since august last year. My main line of work is removing landmines and explosive remnants of war, but we are quite closely linked to other

One thing that keeps me wondering is, are people not sure how they can help reduce climate change?

Many people are increasing their carbon footprint. They spend more on comforts which release more carbon, more pollution.

Maybe becoming minimal on comforts and becoming sustainable is what people should be focusing on?


I’d maybe argue that the ethical implications for a private corporation/network like Google or Facebook operate a little differently...so they could stand to raise their game considerably without getting into the kind of territory you’re talking about...

And this right here ties directly back into all the calls being made at facebook/google/etc over the New Zealand shootings and other things.

that first paragraph is what I keep telling myself...but the other two cost me sleep & I’m no kind of diplomat...

Hiding under my clothes when I get dressed

The problem with immediate belief of all women making accusations is that you are automatically disbelieving all the men accused. That doesn’t work.
In reality, it should be trust, but verify, with any accusation. Trial by social media isn’t an appropriate system for us.
The allegations made against this man were...

I think victims should be heard but the credibility of their claims should be looked at carefully examined just like any other serious crime.

So much virtue signaling. It feels good to feel superior to someone else, and that is what he’s doing for this whole article. When Marvel apologized and wrote “It should have been up there all this time,” he was like, “No shit, guys.” No shit is something you say when someone says something that doesn’t need to be

Oh yeah I love that he seems to be having fun. That’s all I want for him. If he wants to run it back next year, do it. If he wants to call it quits, do it. You’re right that he’s absolutely earned the right to do whatever he wants.

But soon, thanks to a new technique that can extract slo-mo videos from a single photo, the smartphone in your pocket could outperform even a high-speed camera that costs well over $100,000.

I think the bluray sales weren’t good enough because they were so expensive. $118 for the first season when it was first released. Don’t get me wrong, I understand why, it was labor-intensive. But if they had thought more about making their money back long-term, they might have sold each season for less and,

This is an excellent post, but I’d just add that there definitely was some (not all, but some) misogyny in the lead up to Ghostbuster’s release - in that, people were saying it would suck before seeing because womynz. Obviously there were many more people who were against it for seeming like an obvious cash-grab

Yeah, though it was sold in three volumes continuously until the end of the ‘90s. That makes sense from a commercial point of view: you can make a lot more money selling three mass market paperbacks, as opposed to one. And trades didn’t really catch on until the ‘90s. I suspect the main reason we finally started

Eeven if I dont agree with every point you make, I do appreciate that it's a well thought out and reasoned opinion, made in good faith.

Hello BIgNutz, I’m glad that you have (at least to some degree) the ability to be amused despite complications in the material. I would not say that I’m a purist by the definition that you’ve suggested (as Gene Roddenberry died halfway through TNG and we still get some good and bad Trek following), but I do believe

Why would you consider commenting on something you don’t like from a franchise you love “wasting your time”? Shouldn’t people be advocating for the things that they like and decrying things that they do not? Your comment to me is a perfectly good example of this. You like the show, but you disagree with my comment.

Completely fair and sensible points, though I think TNG and DS9 get a worse rap for their early seasons than they necessarily deserve. There is some good sci-fi in there, amongst some of the more well-remembered clunkers. We also have to consider the context of the time in which they were made where storytelling was