Tim Werner

He’s always been an asshole.

Agreed - it’s the only way to break the circle. My father’s father was an even greater asshole and hazed his wife to death - multiple organ failure in her early 60ies. My father never dealt with those experiences, just repressed them throughout his entire life. That is why he lives alone now.

All of this is part of the Republicans’ obsessive plan to tear down Obamacare without any semblance of a plan to replace it.

But we were at war, and our paranoid leaders reacted with disregard for human dignity.

I don’t think most Americans even know about Japanese internment. If you asked a hundred people on the street about the Korematsu decision, how many knew what that was about? Ten percent, maybe fifteen?

Gotta breed those undereducated adults that form the next generation of the Republican voting base in Wisconsin. There is a reason red states crowd the bottom of the barrel when it comes to education, and it all starts with the people who educate kids.

Republicans believe in the just world hypothesis (which is deeply rooted in evangelical theology) - whatever your station in life is the one you deserve. If you’re a kid toiling away in slave mine, tough luck! That was God’s plan for you. If you’re rich beyond measure thanks to inherited wealth, lucky you! That was

If the Republican base hasn’t abandoned him by now, they won’t care about anything that Mueller could possibly prove (tax fraud, collusion, obstruction, money laundering for the Russians etc.). And it’s the Republican base every GOP Senator fears. They know that everyone who doesn’t get with Trump, gets got.

They also tend to be considerably younger, the age gap widening with each new woman, the older the man gets. According to imdb, his last wife was 35 years his junior. Another thing he has in common with Trump and other “real men” who can’t deal with women that have a similar level of life experience.

The Republicans hold the Senate at least until January 2021, that’s two more years with a fairly decent possibility of Ruth Ginsburg (85) or Stephen Breyer (80) vacating their seats, and the GOP achieving a generational death grip on the Supreme Court to push their agenda or block the agenda of a progressive

Christie knows that this whopper is too big, even for him.

Mussolini is still held in high esteem in the political and cultural mainstream of Italy - and they love his ideological heir apparent, Matteo Salvini.

Tom Cruise, oft-maligned for his blandness, has more variety in comparison, the man at least occasionally threw in a Magnolia, Collateral or Tropic Thunder to his usual role of playing himself.

Yes, because there wasn’t much to see.

Reminds me of Trump letting one of his wives run one of his casinos “for shits and giggles”, then firing her when he learned to his horror that she was more successful at it than he was.

Is this like one of those Norwegian prisons Americans make fun of, because they look like youth hostels? I recall Anders Breivik complaining that the video game consoles in his room weren’t of the newest generation.

The city’s sewer rats are a living monument to the man every day.

Personally I think that treason is a big crime, and one that merits the same punishment as murder one for a reason.

It’s almost as if they hated Obama because he was black - or rather, because he was black and more successful than they were - and not because of any of his policies.

The French and the Germans seem to want to try to get this tax off the ground once again, now that Britain (and its legion of banksters in the City of London) is finally leaving the EU.