Tim Werner

If McCain had really wanted to stick it to Trump, instead of not letting the man go to his funeral, a funeral Trump certainly didn’t want to attend anyway, he could have retired once he was too ill to actually do his job - that would have given the citizens of his state the chance to vote for his replacement this

I think kids these days have at least a subconscious understanding that they will be the ones who have to clean up the giant shitpile that their parents’ and grandparents’ generation have amassed over the last seventy years, and still can’t stop themselves from piling even more on top. This is a matter of survival for

Every dollar the government collects can only be spent once, so good government has to invest it wisely in projects that generate a net positive for society at large. That is especially true for debt spending, which has to be paid off by future generations. Frivolous spending on debt is the polar opposite of fiscal

Go to any random clip of Eastwood’s movies on Youtube (Dirty Harry, for instance), and drown in a litany of “back when there were still real mencomments.

Let’s be honest and have no illusions: While we may be outraged, half of the country will only see it like this: “One less wetback to worry about”. To them, a dead brown girl is no different than a dead Jew to the Nazis.

It was the fourth 50-point triple-double of Harden’s career, which is more than anyone in NBA history.

Some of my comments are in the greys, some aren’t, I can’t make any sense of it either. I’ve been here a while, too.

Jewish solidarity isn’t what it used to be.

Netanyahu uses these religious delusions to his advantage, though. Talk about a tail wagging the dog when it comes to Israel and the United States.

They’re following the old Hermann Göring principle of selective anti-semitism, “I decide who’s a Jew and who isn’t”.

20 Republican Senators voting to convict a President of their own party, who is also the most popular Republican among the Republican base in the party’s history, is just not likely to happen. In terms of probabilities, given his age and health, it’s considerably more likely that he dies in office. But the most likely

I assume you mean this one:

“Well yes, of course....their name is....LeBron.....Jordan. LeBron Jordan!”

There’s always one. Like with the Smurfs.

Pretty fly for a weigela.

Worked for his inauguration. Lots of close-ups to hide the lack of “bigly masses”.

They’ll get him through his taxes in the end, as they did with Capone.

I would have preferred “you are hereby sentenced to life in prison without possibility of parole” at The Hague, but then the United States doesn’t believe in being subjected to the same justice that it metes out against smaller nations with criminal leaders.

Drug overdoses were also up severely last year, by 10.000 deaths. That’s 40.000 gun deaths and 70.000 drug deaths in a year now. Another 50.000 deaths on top of that due to lack of health insurance. These 160.000 deaths are (almost) entirely preventable, because they do not happen in other developed nations (or at

If they can send a US resident to prison for eight years for not knowing that she wasn’t allowed to vote, these criminal should serve sixteen years. Both the man who committed the election fraud, and the one who ordered it.