Tim Werner

Either that, or he’ll go out like Hitler.

As it has happened to other regimes all over the world. Take East Germany under the socialists or Persia under the Shah as an example.

Heads of state usually have immunity from prosecution as long as they are in office. As this is not explicitly spelled out in the United States Constitution, for the founders never foresaw Congress abdicating its constitutional duties in such an egregious way as the Republicans have done, the Supreme Court would need

“Fool, prate not to me about covenants. There can be no covenants between men and lions, wolves and lambs can never be of one mind, but hate each other out and out an through. Therefore there can be no understanding between you and me, nor may there be any covenants between us, till one or other shall fall”.

There are some indications that Pence was involved. It’s also possible that he was just smart enough to maintain plausible deniability.

There is no country in the world where racism is not an issue, and that includes every country in Western and Northern Europe that is more liberal and progressive than the United States on a number of other issues.

Was there ever a chance that a new Robin Hood movie would be a roaring box office success? Seriously, how did all the executives with decades of experience in the business not foresee this entirely predictable dud and greenlight that project?

I’d settle for President Pence. The man is terrible in his own way and for different reasons than Trump (more lawful evil than chaotic evil), but he’s such a thoroughly boring suit that the Democrats will have a better chance of winning big in 2020.

I rest comfortably in the lack of knowledge of who Laura Loomer is. The name does sound like a villain’s of an old Batman TV show, though.

Elementary utilities and basic public infrastructure such as electricity and water should be socialized as public utilities - and not be in the hands of private corporations who try to do as little infrastructure maintenance as possible in order to pay their investors as much as possible.

They are basic creatures, like animals, they only live in the here and now. They have no concept of past or future. Trump and his ilk don’t give a shit about the judgment of history, or about what comes after they die - for a malignant narcissist like him, the universe will end when he dies, and he does not give a

It’s time for Sheryl Sandberg to lean out.

Farr’s bid for a seat on the federal bench is effectively dead. (For now, anyway—this was Farr’s fourth nomination in the last 12 years, put forward by both Trump and George W. Bush.)

Why should the arabs get back territory they lost fair and square in wars of aggression that were of their own making and had the goal of eradicating Israel from the landscape? No one forced them to choose war instead of peace in 1948, 1967 and 1973. They did that to themselves and they will eventually have to

Now playing

Chuck Schumer is Gil Gunderson from the Simpson’s classic era.

If there was a Sears catalogue of sexual predators, it would look like a lineup of members of the Trump administration and their bootlicker pundits on TV.

“I am governor of New York and I have a lot to do.”

Compounding the pain from her son’s death is the fact that the Hoover Police Department initially told the media, on camera and in a statement, that Bradford was killed after he shot a 12-year-old and an 18-year old during a fight in the mall.

No left-wing politician in either America or Europe is calling for open borders.

I miss myspace more than I will ever miss facebook. The site had a certain wacky charm before Rupert Murdoch bought it out.