Which is precisely what Donald Trump himself did in regard to his own father, Fred Trump.
Which is precisely what Donald Trump himself did in regard to his own father, Fred Trump.
John “Obamacare” Roberts is the only hope left for a swing vote. Of the five Republican appointees, two of whom are sexual predators, he is the only one left who at least occasionally remembers that his job entails more than being a stooge for the party.
American men, by and large, are still very, very afraid of women - and American women, white women at least, have still internalized that same fear of their own unrealized potential.
The religious right has lost the culture war on one of its key fronts for decades - gay rights, and specifically gay marriage. Anti-abortionism is the one issue where half the country is still with them, or at least a number significant enough to win elections by appealing to single issue voters.
I don’t watch Fox, but I bet they’re seething at the success of Michelle Obama’s new book. These are miserable, resentful, begruding people. Success is always the sweetest revenge on them.
Being crass about their wealth IS the business model of the Trump organization. That is literally all there is to it. It’s a con designed to dupe middle class customers, not members of the elite.
The “bad childhood” excuse was getting old when people used it as a defense of men like Hitler and Stalin.
Given how much Republicans worry about dead people voting, they sure seem to attract the Zombie vote a lot.
Like those Germans after WWII who pretended to be from Switzerland when they travelled abroad. The Lederhosen always gave them away.
I have a “Canada, eh?” t-shirt.
Soros is to this century’s Nazis what Baron Rothschild was to last century’s Nazis.
Imagine a Neo Nazi mowing down a dozen Jews in a synagogue in Berlin. It would be in the media for months. There would be memorials and annual commemorations.
I’m still waiting for my checks from Soros. Have you gotten yours yet?
A reasonable assumption, given that the victims of right wing terrorism in the United States over the last decade significantly outnumber the number of victims of Islamic terrorism in the United States.
You’re more likely to meet one of the zombies from The Walking Dead.
I didn’t wish the man ill, but even moreso than with George Lucas, his is the case of the creation simply outgrowing the creator. The golden era of Trek to me will always be the 90ies, with the later seasons of TNG and DS9 delivering a more mature and at times truly brilliant Trek that has held up very well even 20…
If the United States starts a war with another industrialized nation capable of mass production of WMDs, the only creatures left in the rain will be crawling, not standing: Cockroaches.
You’re right - he’s more like Liquidator Brunt, FCA.
Like those folks in Montana who voted for Trump because they believed MS-13 would overrun their vacation homes.
What sucks about Canada is that it’s the one foreign country where Americans can’t pretend to be Canadian.