
Have they even read the Bible? Particularly the New Testament?

I agree with him on the point where he says it's real work. I have one word for you, "Editing", editing a video takes up a lot of time. Even for my sub-par book reviews that I post on Youtube that last about 15 minutes, it takes me four freaking hours to edit that crap. I would imagine that it takes a whole lot more

I follow certain "celebrity nerds" on twitter and I always thought it was funny that they are so pro women's rights and what not. Then they'd all go out and buy GTA V and sing it's praises. Plenty of people that comment on this site were pretty guilty of it too I'm sure. That's humanity for you I guess.

If I knew what the freak Twitch was, I might care. Alas, that is not the case. Go Sox!

It's be funny if Ben Affleck's face was on this card. Because well you know, all the turmoil this weekend. Yup.

One of the things I liked most about this game was how disgusting and dirty I felt after every kill I made. I think they added enough blood to sort of not glorify violence in a sense. That was my experience at least.

The very one.

I'm going to post the final product on my facebook page and see how long it takes and anti-gun advocacy group to find it and to question if I'm compensating for anything.

No love for LOTRO? It's littered with them. That still qualifies as a video game right? Or am I showing my age?

There goes my video editing label......

My mom bought me a PlayStation after our house was broken into and my N64 was stolen. Best thing to ever happen to me, gaming wise. From then on it was Tomb Raider and Cool Boarders!

I held a gun once and it was awesome. All this power, like how God must feel when he holds a gun.

I admit it. God of War makes me want to kill Greek deities and also run around turning people into stone with Medusa's head. I need help....

shift -> Funds

They are doing this for the greater good. I know I'd be worried if my child who can't drive goes to a rest stop and plays those games with all of the money he doesn't have. I mean rest stops are just to numerous to count and they are all flooded with these types of games. Good on these government officials who

As a person who considers himself a casual gamer I find this hilarious.

Stephen J. Gould ftw! It's as good as gould! Get it?... Get it?... I'll be here til Thursday. You've been a great audience

And I was just getting into Last Resort. This is what happens when I watch TV.

That picture is so over the top ridiculous that I just might have to see this movie.

Some people have weird thumbs ok? Take me for example, one of my thumbs is shorter than the other.