I've heard Archaeologists say the same about BCE minus the unscientific part.
I've heard Archaeologists say the same about BCE minus the unscientific part.
Revenge on modern day Salem? A town that now celebrates witchcraft... Seriously, when I went walking down the street last week I passed 4 magic shops.
Why must Mr. Schoenmaker taunt me so!?! I need this to happen.
5 points for using the word "turgid"
When I see this, all I can think of is the line that the touring Sheriff says to the elephant in the movie Goldfinger.
I really hope they wrap up this memory loss arch soon because I thought this episode was a big bag of boring-ness.
I've got your back Esther.
Thanks for clarifying that. I was never very sure what exactly happened because I only caught the last 5 minutes of the episode.
Do you think they should include the fact that Terry is basically a clone of Bruce Wayne created by the government? I think that was in a Justice League episode.
It was seriously a dozen years ago that it was on? Oy. Spoilers in my reply.
The first vid was my favorite out of all of them.
This all sounds like witchcraft to me.
My wife and I tried out the iPhone 4 and specifically tested the zoom feature. She couldn't zoom in as far as she needed to and the double tap zoom using three fingers gave her trouble too. Why do you need three fingers to double tap any how. The zoom feature on our Incredible 2s have no lag issues. HANDS DOWN.
Yeah well the droid phones have a better pinch zoom feature which my wife loves because she has a vision impairment. The zoom feature on the iPhone sucks.
I heard nano-tech was going to be included into the movie somehow....
My main skill is "Keepin' it real"
I just emailed him through his facebook page. Who knows if it's his real page, but it's worth a shot right?
Sign me up to be first on the list to go to Mars. I'm serious.
Ermmehgerd Pertal urnderwrear.